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Join Evangelicals for Harris in Fellowship & Action

Wednesday, August 14th at 7pm EST

What: A Zoom Call for All Christians and People of Good Will
Who: Hosted by Evangelicals For Harris
When: Wednesday August 14 at 7pm ET, 6pm CT, 5pm MT, 4pm PT
Where: Register Here

Why: To Help Elect Vice President Kamala Harris President of the United States and Gov. Tim Walz Vice President

Save the date!


Most groups ask for money. We're asking you to serve your neighbors. Our ask on this zoom will be for everyone join in community service - a Matthew 25 witness of love of neighbor as our response to the unifying vision of the Harris-Walz ticket. That is what we want Evangelicals for Harris to be known for first.


Help us meet our goal of raising tens of thousands of hours of community service from this call:​

You can pledge now, and then please join us for a Zoom Call to be encouraged and engaged. We will have notable Guest Speakers and will share ways you can become involved.

Patricia Ruiz-Cantu
Jemar Tisby
LaTasha Morrison
Lisa Sharon Harper
Sandra Van Opstal
Nelba Marquez-Greene 

Rev. Dwight McKissic

Jim Ball

Matt Tebbe
Raymond Chang 

Joey Cochran

State Rep. James Talarico

Claude Alexander

Lee Scott

Derek Minor

Soong Chan Rah

Russell Jeung

Rev. Dr. Dennis Edwards

Jerushah Duford

Sign up! It's free & easy to join our call. 

Invite others by sharing on social! 

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